Friday, June 18, 2010

À bout de souffle

the 50th anniversary 35mm print of "breathless" was showing at the bourse this last week and as one of my favorite films i went twice. to see it in an underground cinema, on the big screen, AND a new film print! i was in heaven.

interestingly with the death of dennis hopper i also watched "easy rider," whose cinematographer was laszlo kovacs.. michel's alias in "breathless." weird. kovacs is a famous hungarian cinematographer who shot a million films... free willy 2, ghost busters, say anything..., paper moon, wayne's world 2, blow out.. and a bunch more.

although a weird coincidence, roger ebert's article says it the name of jean-paul belmondo's character laszlo kovacs from the film "a double tour."

"i want to become immortal.. and then die."

thank you godard.