Friday, May 14, 2010

home away from home

going on my first business trip and was checking out my home away from home. enjoy (i know i will)!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

oy vey zbigniew

i have only known zbigniew as my best friend's polish grandfather until yesterday. i noticed on my walk to the water cooler there is a corporate zbigniew! today he was very concerned with a facilities worker digging up a hole in the lawn. from his cube he mumbled, "they've dug up that hole five times in the last month!" i can't tell if he's polish or german, but either way.. two zbigniews are better than one.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

portland wiener hangin around with dude vinci.

Monday, May 10, 2010

thursday's arguement

jan hooks recently appeared on 30 rock as jenna's mom in the mother's day episode. my roommate and i got into an argument about whether she was in SNL or not. this is proof for my side of the argument.