Friday, June 18, 2010

À bout de souffle

the 50th anniversary 35mm print of "breathless" was showing at the bourse this last week and as one of my favorite films i went twice. to see it in an underground cinema, on the big screen, AND a new film print! i was in heaven.

interestingly with the death of dennis hopper i also watched "easy rider," whose cinematographer was laszlo kovacs.. michel's alias in "breathless." weird. kovacs is a famous hungarian cinematographer who shot a million films... free willy 2, ghost busters, say anything..., paper moon, wayne's world 2, blow out.. and a bunch more.

although a weird coincidence, roger ebert's article says it the name of jean-paul belmondo's character laszlo kovacs from the film "a double tour."

"i want to become immortal.. and then die."

thank you godard.

Friday, May 14, 2010

home away from home

going on my first business trip and was checking out my home away from home. enjoy (i know i will)!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

oy vey zbigniew

i have only known zbigniew as my best friend's polish grandfather until yesterday. i noticed on my walk to the water cooler there is a corporate zbigniew! today he was very concerned with a facilities worker digging up a hole in the lawn. from his cube he mumbled, "they've dug up that hole five times in the last month!" i can't tell if he's polish or german, but either way.. two zbigniews are better than one.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

portland wiener hangin around with dude vinci.

Monday, May 10, 2010

thursday's arguement

jan hooks recently appeared on 30 rock as jenna's mom in the mother's day episode. my roommate and i got into an argument about whether she was in SNL or not. this is proof for my side of the argument.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a power point on procrastination and how to spell it

raa raa ooh la la

the very straight laced guys i work with are playing lady gaga, discussing whether it would amp up the head of the americas for our quarterly meeting broadcast..

Friday, April 23, 2010

people have stupid mermaid tattoos

the first is just hilarious. the second looks like cher the mermaid. the third is my compilation of stupid mermaid tattoos. and the fourth is just kinda cool.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

to the drinkers of brown liquids

my curiosity peaked after david, or canadian visitor, commented on bryan and i drinking manly drinks. not knowing the differences in my favorite liquors i spent the afternoon researching!

WHISKEY is distilled from the fermented grains of barley, rye, wheat, and corn. its aged in wooden casks generally made of white oak. it's classified depending it's grains, distillation, and aging in wood.

CANADIAN WHISKY is smoother and lighter and uses malted rye. it must be produced in canada and aged at a minimum of 3 years. proportions of grain ingredients don't matter in canadian whisky.

IRISH WHISKEY is distilled three times. it must be produced in ireland and aged at a minimum of 3 years, but it's generally 3 or 4 times that. unpeated malt is almost always used.

SCOTCH WHISKY is distilled twice, sometimes three. it must be produced in scotland and aged 3 years and 1 day. it has a smokey flavor from treating their malt with peat smoke.

RYE WHISKY is made from rye - a grass in the wheat tribe like barley. it grows wild in eastern turkey. rye adds a spicy or fruity flavor. as a whisky it can be american or canadian.

as an AMERICAN it must be distilled from at least 51% rye, can be no more than 160 proof, and aged in charred oak barrels. it was prevalent in the northeastern states (before prohibition) and george washington made his own, which is still produced and sold at mount vernon.

as a CANADIAN it just needs good character, aroma, and taste to that of canadian rye whisky. it's aged at a minimum of 3 years.

BOURBON WHISKEY is distilled from at least 51% corn and named for bourbon county, kentucky. most are more than 2/3 corn and aged for 4 years in charred oak barrels. flavor nor color may be added. it may not be bottled less than 80 proof. it was originated in southern states, but as it gained popularity bartenders substituted bourbon for rye in manhattans, whiskey sours, and old fashioneds which were strictly made with rye whiskey. it is sweeter and fuller bodied.

hold on to your hats iceland

"the eyjafjallajokull volcano remains very much active and was yesterday throwing magma chunks the size of cars into the air, bubbling lava, and producing tremors."
because of the threat of katla (the second larger icelandic volcano connected by magma channels to eyjafjallajokull) there is a risk of a plinian eruption, the most feared type like that of vesuvius and krakatoa. holy volcano!
^ volcanic lightning aka dirty thunderstorm.. amazing!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hit me with your best shot

march 13th

kidney stone, 2010.

back log

1. windows down, one arm out.
2. ain't no dummy.
3. green screen leftovers.
4. my tina fey chair!
5. shakes head.

back log

january 12th.  project one. day ten through twelve.  

krysta and i cast the uarts equipment room movie (past and present).  i made a poster.

the BIG five oh

my dad's turning 50 in may and to celebrate properly i got us two tickets to see conan at the tower theater.  i'm still not sure if they are real tickets, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed because of the large chunk of change i dropped.

coulda put more effort into this card i'm throwing the tickets in, but feeling a lazy wednesday, rain and all.